A blog about the faith, hope and adventures of Amy, Kim, Tristan and Lesley as they journey together as the Anchored Warriors Team!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Anchored Warriors Evening to Pray

On January 16 we want to ask you to join us in a nation-wide evening of prayer specifically for Aboriginal youth and the communities they live in.

The idea is to gather together as family, friends and as a church wherever we live and pray specifically for the next generation of Aboriginal youth. We also want to pray specifically for God to show us how better to pray and support one another as a Church body that shares the same Savior, Spirit and Father.

We believe that as we stand in unity and trusting in God's faithfulness that He will not only hear our prayers but that it will make an impact in the work that God is doing within Aboriginal communities and with Aboriginal youth across Canada.

This prayer event can look however you want it to. The main objective is to come together on the same night and pray in one Spirit - pouring out our hearts to our Creator for the next generation of Aboriginal youth and the communities they live in.
I’m excited to see what God is going to do through each and every praying heart!

I’m excited to see what God is going to do through each and every praying heart!

Attached is the poster! It would be great if you do get a group together to pray that you let me know just so we can see who was praying and from where! Also if you aren't sure on what Aboriginal communities surround where you live and would like help getting info about that please contact me!

Amy on behalf of the AW team

Prayer Evening Poster

1 comment:

  1. ta Great Spirit for blessing our Native American siblings, whose prayers mean more than they know! so much appreciation! keep up the good prayer! your faith moves mountains! amen.
